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PlayerONeGame for Mac

Relaxing pong game.

In English
Version 3.0

PlayerONeGame overview

PlayerONeGame is a new take on a classic game. Sit back and relax as you let all of your struggles go while you bounce a ball back and forth on screen. PlayerONeGame also includes an exclusive soundtrack by Kyle Wiegand that helps promote a relaxing mindset. PlayerONeGame is designed with one-player gameplay in mind: you control both paddles! Simply control the left paddle with the W and D keys. Control the right paddle with the O and L keys. That's it and your Mac will do the rest!

PlayerONeGame is not just a great refresh of the classic pong game but it’s also a great anti-stress tool. We can only speak from personal experience but playing the single player mode on PlayerONeGame with the soundtrack playing helped calm us down.

What’s new in version 3.0

Version 3.0:
  • Added Touch Bar support: Now you can quickly set game mode right from Touch Bar or turn the soundtrack on or off. PlayerONeGame now has a new background to match the iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV versions of the game.

PlayerONeGame for Mac

In English
Version 3.0
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