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Smart GIF Maker for Mac

Make and modify GIFs.

In English
Version 2.1.2

Smart GIF Maker overview

Smart GIF Maker is a simple application to facilitate making and modifying GIFs!

  • Simple UI that allows you to add and remove frames and images to the frames
  • Edit GIF frames using paint-like features
  • Set the GIF's loop count and frame duration
  • Drag-and-drop to change the order of frames
  • Drag-and-drop from Finder to add multiple images to the GIF
  • Drag-and-drop image to an empty frame to add it to the frame
  • Click frames to replace the image
  • Export GIFs
  • Import existing GIFs and modify these
  • Reverse GIFs

What’s new in version 2.1.2

Version 2.1.2:
  • Corrections for .jpg images
  • Corrections for preview bugs

Smart GIF Maker for Mac

In English
Version 2.1.2
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