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VideoSpeak for Mac

Add synthesized speech audio tracks to videos.

In English
Version 1.04

VideoSpeak overview

VideoSpeak allows you to easily add synthesized speech audio tracks to existing videos and movies. Its simple operation allows a voice-over without the use of a microphone or other audio equipment.

  • How many times have you seen a demonstration or instructional video on YouTube which has no subtitles, and no narration. You are just left to guess what they are doing.
  • Have you ever shot a video but then later wanted to add a description?
  • VideoSpeak allows you to quickly narrate a video after you've finished shooting it, using high quality synthesized speech.
  • Because VideoSpeak uses the built-in voices in OS X, there is no time-wasting setup of microphone or audio equipment.
  • The multiple voices available in OS X allows VideoSpeak to easily add a narration with whatever voice you choose, including localized and regional accents.
  • With VideoSpeak you can use different voices for each added speech track. You might want to appear to have two people talking to each other.
  • A completed video with added narration can be ready for export within a few minutes.
  • VideoSpeak is ideal for creating speech tracks on instructional or training videos.
  • Narration could be added to give life to vacation movies.
  • Novelty voices can be used to add interest to funny videos.
  • Using high quality synthesized voices allows standardisation on a single voice for corporate use. Any user can produce a video using the chosen voice, no need for expensive voice-overs each time a new company video is produced

What’s new in version 1.04

  • Fixed some UI issues for recent MacOS versions.

VideoSpeak for Mac

In English
Version 1.04
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