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Plain Paste for Mac

Streamline word processor.

In English
Version 2.0

Plain Paste overview

Plain Paste will streamline your word processing workflow: copy, click, paste. Always one click away, Plain Paste, a small app that lives in your Mac's menu bar, is ready to strip the formatting from your clipboard. Simply copy text in any format to the clipboard, click on the scissor icon in the menu bar, and the next time you paste, all of the formatting will look the same.

The goal of Plain Paste is not to serve as a Swiss-army knife for your clipboard and formatting needs, rather, simplify the hassle of removing formatting when copying contents from one program to another.

What’s new in version 2.0

Completely rebuilt to utilize the latest macOS, iOS, and iPadOS technologies.

Features and Improvements:
  • Added option to clear the clipboard
  • Added option to manually refresh clipboard contents
  • Refined user experience

Plain Paste for Mac

In English
Version 2.0
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