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HomeEducationMathDigits Discovery

Digits Discovery for Mac

Solve math tricks.

In English
Version 9.1

Digits Discovery overview

Digits Discovery will show you a bit math tricks to impress and entertain you and your friends. But it will not explain the mathematics behind the tricks, you need to use your mathematics and imaginative to work it out. Be creative, come up with your own way. Thinking creatively about new ways to solve problems is one of the key skills of a good mathematician and one of the useful employment skills you get from being good at mathematics. As we will see, many famous mathematicians were also magicians. It’s not a coincidence - they enjoyed their maths, and also enjoyed using it to entertain. And now you can too.

As you start to work your way though Digits Discovery, you will find magic that uses a range of mathematical ideas that you may already have come across, from simple addition and subtraction, multiply and division, to prime numbers, algebra. I hope that this app shows that all of maths can be exciting, magical and useful. So have some serious fun, learn, practice, create and above all entertain.

Before start, you have to do some preparations, you need a calculator, or an apple device that run a calculator app.

What’s new in version 9.1

Version 9.1:
  • Some improves for macOS Big Sur.

Digits Discovery for Mac

In English
Version 9.1
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