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HomeVideoPhotoStory NS

PhotoStory NS for Mac

Transform images into high-quality digital movies.

In English
Version 1.1.1

PhotoStory NS overview

PhotoStory is a simple, elegant and effective tool for transforming a collection of images into a high-quality digital movie. PhotoStory is an essential tool for photographers, marketing staff and others who are creating promotional, storytelling and time-lapsed video content.


Easy Organization:
  • Drag'n'drop images into the desired order for output or sort the collection according to name or date
Adjustable Speed:
  • Set the playback rate by hand or choose from almost 20 frame-rate-based preset options
  • Control the background color and spatial placement of images within the output movie
Modern Codecs:
  • Create new movies in a variety of formats for a range of devices and playback situations
  • Share your output movie using Vimeo, Facebook and other popular internet services

What’s new in version 1.1.1

Version 1.1.1.:
  • Configurable transitions between images
  • Configurable leaders for fade-in and trailers for fade-out
  • Added a transition preview popover
  • Tray images can now be viewed in a fullscreen slide show
  • Lift and stamp allows copying of settings between projects
  • Various user interface updates
  • Stability enhancements for compatibility with macOS High Sierra

PhotoStory NS for Mac

In English
Version 1.1.1
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