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DragToDo for Mac

Keep track of important things.

In English
Version 1.5

DragToDo overview

DragToDo is a light-weight, low mental overhead to-do-list app for macOS to just keep track of the Most Important Things (MITs). Drag-and-drop files, e-mails, calendar events, etc., to make a list of what you need to be doing right now. It can also be used as a list of temporary bookmarks you want to keep together while you're processing them.

Simple drag-and-drop interaction makes it easy and fast to add new items to your list. No clicking, no typing, no deciding what project a new item belongs to or which priority it should get. Avoid the mental overhead of coming up with yet another "five-word item description".

  • Appears when you need it, hides when you don't
  • Drag in files, e-mails, calendar items or web links to add them to the list
  • Double-click to open the related item
  • Drag the icons out to remove the item when it's done

What’s new in version 1.5

Version 1.5:
  • Added support for colour-coded actions per to-do item
  • Note: The way to edit the text of an item has changed: it is now done by clicking a to-do item once to open the labels, and clicking again on the text of the selected item

DragToDo for Mac

In English
Version 1.5
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