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HomeSecurityDylib Hijack Scanner

Dylib Hijack Scanner for Mac

Find apps susceptible to dylib hijacking.

In English
Version 1.4.1
Based on 1 user rate

Dylib Hijack Scanner overview

Dylib Hijack Scanner or DHS, is a simple utility that will scan your computer for applications that are either susceptible to dylib hijacking or have been hijacked.

To run the application and begin a scan, simply double click on 'DHS.app' and press the 'Start Scan' button. DHS will then scan and detect any applications that have been hijacked, or are vulnerable to hijacking. It is likely that several vulnerable applications will be detected. This is quite common and don't mean your computer is hacked. However, if there are any applications listed under 'Hijacked Applications' this could be an issue. It may be a false positive, or an actual hijacking (see the FAQs below for details). If you need help identifying sorting this out, feel free to email me.

What’s new in version 1.4.1

Version 1.4.1:
  • Icon refresh

Dylib Hijack Scanner for Mac

In English
Version 1.4.1
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(1 Reviews of Dylib Hijack Scanner)

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  • User Ratings

Apr 23 2019
Apr 23 2019
Version: 1.4.0
Found 3 items when I ran DHS: 1. rpath vulnerability: /Applications/1Password 7.app/Contents/PlugIns/1PasswordSafariAppExtension.appex/Contents/Frameworks/OnePasswordCore.fra 2. rpath vulnerability: /Applications/Adblock Plus.app/Contents/PlugIns/Adblock Plus Toolbar.appex/Contents/Frameworks/libswiftAppKit.dylib 3. rpath vulnerability: /Applications/Memory Cleaner.app/Contents/MacOS/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle So, now what happens?
Jun 26 2018
Jun 26 2018
Version: null