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QIClock for Mac

A clock for managing multiple time zones.

In English

QIClock overview

QIClock was written primarily for the developers, who found themselves dealing with coworkers on all sorts of different time zones, particularly those with the gall to reside on the other side of the international date line (should you, like the sun, only conceptually travel East to West). It might also come in handy if you're attempting to watch the opening series of the Major League Baseball season and for some reason or another they're playing it not in the home team's ballpark but somewhere five thousand miles or so to the left of it.

What’s new in version 2.5

Version 2.5:
  • We went slightly visual with this latest update
  • Also added some features that make sense for people: like it saves your favorite timezones and last state when you quit the app
  • This version is now Leopard (10.5)-only
View older QIClock versions

QIClock for Mac

In English
Version 2.5
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