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QuickMenu for Mac

Quickly access Files, Folders, and Websites.

In English
Version 1.4

QuickMenu overview

QuickMenu is a convenient app that lets you build your own menu bar menu to access quickly files, folders, apps and websites.

  • Add as many files, folders, websites and apps that you would like to access quickly.
  • Sort files, folders, websites into Groups with headings or submenu, making it easier to find the item you’re looking for.
  • Hotkey to show QuickMenu at mouse location.
  • Personalise the web browsers per website.
  • Quick access in full-screen or SplitView.
  • Choose whether the app starts at login or not.
  • Files, folders, websites are presented with their respective icon.
  • Choose icon size.
  • View file info.
  • Choose among 20 icons to personalise your menu bar icon.
  • Add files, folders, websites, apps with drag and drop or files picker.

What’s new in version 1.4

Version 1.4:
  • Choose the app that will process a folder or open a file. Convenient, for example if you want to process a photos folder quickly.
  • Information displayed to create a new Group before adding files, folder, websites...
  • More web browsers detected.
Bugs Fixed:
  • Groups re-ordering could in rare cases lead to a buggy state. Problem fixed.
  • Other small bug fixes.

QuickMenu for Mac

In English
Version 1.4
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