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AutoTrash for Mac

Remove unwanted files automatically.

In English
Version 1.0

AutoTrash overview

AutoTrash is an automatic trash cleaner for your Mac which will remove junk files periodically and move them to trash. Users can define their own time for deletion of a particular folder or file without any hassle. Life becomes much simpler when you stop worrying about files which keep storing in your hard drive and eventually become useless after a certain period of time. This is where the usefulness of AutoTrash comes into action. Those files can easily be removed from your hard drive by AutoTrash without having to do anything from your side.

  • Easy to Add files and folders
  • Predefined presets to get the job done quickly
  • Option to add custom Presets
  • Highly intuitive app layout
  • Search files within a Preset quickly

What’s new in version 1.0

Version 1.0:
  • Initial release

AutoTrash for Mac

In English
Version 1.0
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