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AnyPDF2HTML for Mac

Create a full detailed HTML from a PDF.

In English
Version 2.1

AnyPDF2HTML overview

AnyPDF2HTML has a great interface powered by pdf2htmlEX to convert PDF files to HTML without format loss.

  • Keep format
  • Create a unique HTML file with all content embedded
  • It's simple and fast
  • Batch process
  • Option to convert PDF annotations too

What’s new in version 2.1

  • Added macOS 14 Sonoma support.

AnyPDF2HTML for Mac

In English
Version 2.1
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(1 Reviews of AnyPDF2HTML)

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  • User Ratings

Sep 8 2016
Sep 8 2016
Version: 1.0.1
Interesting app. What it does is take the PDF and create images of each page, then creates one long HTML page, where the images are added one after the other. I took a simple recipe in PDF format and converted it. It created 339 lines of code. The text in the images is not editable. Of note is that the link above and in the MAS for support goes to a form requesting you fill in info about your support request. There doesn't seem to be any developer home page. For three bux, it's cheap enough to buy and see if it works for you.
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