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DrawDown free download for Mac


Version 1.1.1

Generate images from code.

DrawDown overview

DrawDown was inspired by John Gruber's Markdown, and has very similar goals: create a human-readable plain-text format to create rich output. Of course images are not like text, so the format respects the domain. Think of it as a plain-text Photoshop. There is a free command-line tool available, but the DrawDown app is an interactive editor. Because I need to eat, and because editing images is a visual task, DrawDown is available to buy. It lets you see what you are building as you build it; when you're done, generate the images directly from there, or refer to the file in your scripts. Simple. You can demo the app before purchasing.

What’s new in version 1.1.1

Updated on May 16 2016

Version 1.1.1:
  • Fixed an issue where ICNS files would not be loaded at maximum resolution





5.3 MB



App requirements

  • Intel 64
  • OS X 10.11 or later
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