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CogMeow for Mac

Create shortcuts to perform tasks.

In English
Version 1.3

CogMeow overview

CogMeow is a task shortener which allows you to stop doing manually the same actions over and over. Press only one button or one keyboard shortcut to perform them all. Call the app with a global shortcut to be even faster. Perfect for him who hates wasting time, even a few seconds.

  • 7 wonderfur buttons!
  • Each button can perform multiple tasks of your choice with a single click
  • Each button has a keyboard shortcut, to be even faster!
  • CogMeow has a global shortcut too (⌘` for english keyboards, ⌘< for european keyboards) so you can recall cogmeow while using other apps!
  • Easy button setup, thanks to the wizard!
  • Lightweight, free, and cute :3

What’s new in version 1.3

Version 1.3:
  • Added Welcome, Help and Preferences panels
  • Rewritten Settings panel
  • Rewritten Guide

CogMeow for Mac

In English
Version 1.3
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(1 Reviews of CogMeow)

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May 19 2016
May 19 2016
Version: 1.2
Hi! I'm CogMeow's developer. I just noticed that the global shortcut "Cmd+<" is not universal. English (and a lot of other languages) keyboard possessors should press "Cmd+`" for the global shortcut to work. In general the working combination is Cmd plus the first key to right of the Left Shift. I'll try to fix this problem for the next update. Sorry for the inconvenience. Matteo :3
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