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i11Chat for Mac

Standalone access for WhatsApp Web and FB Messenger (was XustoChat).

In English
Version 1.0.8

i11Chat overview

i11Chat (was XustoChat) lets you use WhatsApp Web and Facebook Messenger on your OS X Desktop. It takes advantage of WhatsApp and Facebook, integrating them in a standalone all-in-one application.

  • Very optimized code to minimize used resources and battery impact. (A good option to use in Apple MacBooks)
  • Drag-and-drop to send media files
  • Option to launch App at user login with a 15 seconds delay to ensure Mac is connected to Internet
  • Mac style user interface
  • Dock icon notifications
  • Show number of unread messages in Dock icon badge
  • Emoji keyboard
  • Open links in Safari, and other media files too
  • Play audio and video content in native media player
  • Resizable windows
  • Share videos on social networks
  • * Disclaimer: i11Chat is a third-party app, and it requires a WhatsApp Web-compatible device. The developer of this software is not sponsored by or affiliated with WhatsApp, Inc., or Facebook, Inc., in any way.

What’s new in version 1.0.8

Version 1.0.8:
  • General improvements

i11Chat for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.8
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