Notesmartly for Mac
Make organizing your stuff a breeze.
Make organizing your stuff a breeze.
Notesmartly is an app which makes organizing your stuff a breeze .Notebooks, ability to draw using Scribbpads, Wideboards to collaborate in real time and more.
It lets you take notes be it text note, image note, audio note or video notes and chat within a document all in one place. Create tasks within a document, your todo lists, scanned documents and task planner all in one place.
Put everything that matters in one place. Capture, share and keep everything safe for free. Notesmartly is a place for projects and plans.
It helps you to organize everything from notes, pictures of people and places in your own way. It is a place for your ideas to thrive.It is super easy for you to create, share so you can have focused productive conversations. Collaborate in context. Plan your tasks and communicate at the same place and the same time. Make sure everyone is heard and nothing goes down the drain. Easy to collaborate and capture your critical meeting details. All of your meeting notes can be captured effectively so that you can easily remember what you discussed, what decisions were made and what were left unresolved. Invite people to meetings the way you always do, and use it to ensure those meetings are way more productive and more effective.
Great things happen when brains collide. You can share and collaborate on anything you create right from your iPad.
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