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JSON Modeler for Mac

Paste in valid JSON and generate real models to use in your projects.

In English
Version 1.2

JSON Modeler overview

JSON Modeler allows you to paste in valid JSON and generate real models to use in your projects. These models include Swift (classes, structs, and Core Data), Objective-C (classes, structs, and Core Data), and Java (for Android and Realm.io). This tool is a must for anyone developing against api's.

Remove all the time you waste on hand-coding your models and focus more on other aspects of your code.

Biolerplate Code - GONE!

With JSON Modeler you don't have to waste time hand coding models. This leads to, literally, regaining hours of productivity as well as avoiding time consuming errors.

Swift? Objective-C? Java??

We've made it easy to export model classes in your favorite languages:
  • Java has support for Android & Realm.io.
  • Objective-C has support for Mac & iOS as well as Core Data.
  • Swift supports Core Data as well as Stuct's and even Swifty JSON.

Note: The app will ask for access to your contacts. It ONLY does this because it uses the Address Book to get YOUR first, last name, and organization (if set). These are added to each source file in the copyrights section of the file header. If you do not want this access allowed, it is ok to deny it. The app will then bypass adding all the typical copyright info and you will have to add it in yourself.

What’s new in version 1.2

Version 1.2:
  • Built in REST client! We've added a new REST client that allows you to easily fetch JSON from almost any api, generate your models automatically, and save them in minutes (or less)!

JSON Modeler for Mac

In English
Version 1.2
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