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Rename It for Mac

Renaming tool that saves you time and energy.

In English
Version 1.4.1

Rename It overview

Rename It is an easy-to-use batch file* renaming tool that saves you time and energy.

Notable Features:
  • A simple to use interface makes renaming your files easy.
  • Save your customized renaming schemes for future use.
  • A handy preview window allows you to see the original file names as well as a live preview of the final file names.
  • When renaming files, you can replace the original files, move the newly named files, or copy the newly named files.
  • Drop files on the app icon in the dock to quickly add files to the renaming list.
  • Use system services to quickly select files from the Finder to rename (You may need to log out and back in before this takes effect).
  • Rename It remembers your settings and files from the previous session.
  • QuickLook files right from the file list. Renaming Schemes:
  • Add Text: Allows you to add given text before or after the file's base name or extension.
  • Add Date: Allows you to insert a chosen date, the current date, the file's date created, or the file's date modified into the file name.
  • Change Case: Allows you to change a file's name to lowercase, uppercase, or title case.
  • Insert Text: Allows you to insert given text at a given point in the file name.
  • Remove Text: Allows you to remove a given number of characters from the beginning of the file name, the end of the file name, or within a range.
  • Replace Text: Allows you to replace given text with other text.
  • Make Sequential: Allows you to append a running count to the file's original name, or a new name. *Please Note: Rename It does not currently support renaming folders.
Renaming Schemes
  • Add Text: Allows you to add given text before or after the file's base name or extension.
  • Add Date: Allows you to insert a chosen date, the current date, the file's date created, or the file's date modified into the file name.
  • Change Case: Allows you to change a file's name to lowercase, uppercase, or title case.
  • Insert Text: Allows you to insert given text at a given point in the file name.
  • Remove Text: Allows you to remove a given number of characters from the beginning of the file name, the end of the file name, or within a range.
  • Replace Text: Allows you to replace given text with other text.
  • Make Sequential: Allows you to append a running count to the file's original name, or a new name.

What’s new in version 1.4.1

Version 1.4.1:
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Rename It from launching after quitting the app with files left in the file list.

Rename It for Mac

In English
Version 1.4.1
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(1 Reviews of Rename It)

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Apr 9 2015
Apr 9 2015
Version: 1.4.1
Other renaming tools may save time, but this one saves energy too. Step right up! Working up a sweat or fingers cramping while renaming files is a thing of the past! ;-)
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