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VacationPlanner for Mac

Extensive vacation planning.

In English
Version 3.2

VacationPlanner overview

VacationPlanner is the perfect application for planning your vacation. Generate custom itineraries for dining, rooms, transportation, tickets, events, and locations. Track your stay using the interactive calendar that reminds you of holidays, available tickets, and your events. Import and export packing lists from one vacation to the next. generate a budget for your trip. Import photos. Drop pins at visited locations. Check the weather and driving directions with the web gateway. Plus, there are over a half dozen reports available to keep you informed.

  • Vacation - Set the vacation dates and start the countdown timer.
  • Room - Keep track of multiple check-in and check-outs.
  • Calendar - View your vacation, holidays, and create custom events.
  • Packing List - Import and export your packing lists here.
  • Itinerary - Automatically generate an itinerary.
  • Budget - View system budget items as well as create your own.
  • Tickets - Contains information for Seasonal Blockout Dates and Weekday Select type tickets.
  • Dining - Keep track of all your confirmation numbers.
  • Transportation - Car, bus, or plane.
  • Photos - Import photos from your trip.
  • Web Gateway - Track the weather, driving directions, or movie schedules from the web.
  • Locations - Drop a pin on an interactive map for every location you visit.

Syncs with the free iPhone app, VacationSync, over Wi-Fi!

What’s new in version 3.2

Version 3.2:
  • Now uses iCloud when syncing with VacationSync

VacationPlanner for Mac

In English
Version 3.2
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