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HomeGamesMy Menorah

My Menorah for Mac

3D, interactive, animated, menorah themed Chanukah game.

In English
Version 5.0

My Menorah overview

Get ready for a fun-filled Chanukah / Hanukkah with My Menorah! Set up your own menorah each day. Just spin the dreidel to get the color of your next candle. Then light the candles with the friendly Menorah as your guide. Sing Chanukah songs together with your family and earn lots of Chanukah gelt and gifts.

Designed for Jewish children aged 3 to 5, "My Menorah" is a 3D, interactive, animated game that your young child will not only have fun with, but also acquire core skills such as numeracy, foundational Hebrew, ability to match color and sequence, learn new Chanukah songs and more!

  • 3D animated Chanukah app
  • Specifically designed for children ages 3-5 years
  • Special focus on core skill building numeracy and color recognition
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Available in English and Hebrew
Skill Building
  • This 3D animated app will enrich your young child’s:
  • Numeracy (Hebrew/English)
  • Color recognition and sequencing
  • Foundational Hebrew skills
  • Knowledge of the festival of Chanukah and the special mitzvah of lighting the Menorah
My Menorah for the Entire Family

In addition to the traditional Chanukah songs, "My Menorah" includes special "8 Days of Happiness" tips for parents, resources and guides for creating meaningful family Chanukah experiences.

What’s new in version 5.0

Version 5.0:
  • Corrected critical bug in the Hebrew version.

My Menorah for Mac

In English
Version 5.0
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