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Unclouder for Mac

Back up your iCloud Drive locally.

In English
Version 1.0.31
Based on 2 user rates

Unclouder overview

Unclouder is an excellent tool that allows you to back up your iCloud Drive locally. iCloud stores your data such as documents, photos and music on remote servers for downloading it to various devices and sharing it with others. No matter what device you are using, all your files are at your fingertips. However there is a drawback to it - if you delete or make changes in an iCloud document, it will be deleted or changed across all connected devices. And there is no way to undo it. Unless you have Unclouder!

Unclouder allows you to backup your iCloud Drive locally, i.e. no matter what happens to your iCloud data, the app makes sure you still have it on your hard drive. Also, it comes handy when you need an earlier version of a document you have significantly changed lately - a backup folder on your hard drive can save you a lot of headache.

  • Backup Data: You can tell the app how often you want your data to be saved. Your backup content is accessible to you any time.
  • Backup Info: Each backup has a detailed description = you can see what documents were saved and how much space they occupy. This will help you find the backup you need.
  • Restore Data: Select the backup point, click Restore button and your data will be back in iCloud in a matter of seconds. You can choose the exact date of backup to restore only those files you need.

Whether you want to protect your iCloud documents from loss or damage or need to retrieve the previous versions of the documents you are working on - Unclouder is a reliable application that will make your life much easier.

What’s new in version 1.0.31

Version 1.0.31: Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
View older Unclouder versions

Unclouder for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.31
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(2 Reviews of Unclouder)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Jun 29 2017
Jun 29 2017
Version: 1.0.31
A bit hight price for what it does - copying contents from iCloud drive locally but it does what it says and I was able to received files from iCloud that were already gone in the iOS app but the backup of those files was still available on iCloud. Overall the value is justified but the price is high given there were no updates needed for the app since 2014. Should be $5 or so. For the $10 I am just going to stay with the free version which allows to make 3 backups.
Nov 2 2015
Nov 2 2015
Version: 1.0.31
Definitely not an app for everyday use, but it should be there when you need it. To be clear, I'm a little paranoiac about important papers, that's why I have backups and backups of backups. So, I was stalking Google for some tool to backup iCloud rather than do it manually, and that's how I found this little guy. Taking off the half star for no autobackup. If there would be a scheduled automatic backup it would be just perfect.
Jun 29 2017
Jun 29 2017
Version: null
Nov 2 2015
Nov 2 2015
Version: null