SpotOff for Mac
Allows a user to control Spotlight and Time Machine indexing.
Allows a user to control Spotlight and Time Machine indexing.
The mds process, which is formally named the metadata server, is used primarily by Spotlight and Time Machine to index your drives. For many users, it isn't problematic, but for others, it can bottleneck the system for hours on end. When mds is indexing, there are considerable performance delays; the system can overheat, causing the fans to come on; and batteries on laptops can drain much faster than normal. The process may, quite literally, consume from 50% to 90% of your processing power when it's highly active. In many cases, people may believe their system is actually failing. SpotOff can control mds indexing, but the real question is, do you need it? To find out, we offer as a free download the product named Spot-O-Meter. Spot-O-Meter is included in the SpotOff package, but it's also available as a free download from MacUpdate or from the SpotOff Web page. Simply download Spot-O-Meter from either site, and if the meter is showing a lot of activity at inconvenient times, you may wish to consider purchasing SpotOff. Who suffers from excessive mds activity? If you have a static system, meaning you don't disconnect or reconnect drives often and your system is running OS X 10.9 Mavericks or later, you may not see it at all, or at least not enough to really be problematic. However, if you use your system in any of the following circumstances, SpotOff may be of valuable to you:
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