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TapNTempo for Mac

Fully featured, customizable metronome.

In English
Version 1.0.4
Based on 1 user rate

TapNTempo overview

TapNTempo is a fully featured metronome that offers customizable sounds, real-time tempo tapping, and beat and division capabilities. TapNTempo's easy-to-use interface includes the best of the traditional metronome, but feature bloating is avoided in favor of simplicity. Nonetheless, TapNTempo includes the following:


  • Choice of sound production
  • Real-time tempo tapping
  • Global muting
  • Beat and division capabilities
  • Multiple methods of data input
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Easy-to-read display
  • Visual interface elements for when sound is either on or muted
  • Ability to mute selected divisions of beat
  • Factory reset

What’s new in version 1.0.4

Version 1.0.4:
  • Changed range of tapping Increased volume
  • Removed noise on volume change
  • Interface enhancements
  • Fixed recovered files in trash problem

TapNTempo for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.4
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(1 Reviews of TapNTempo)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Nov 20 2019
Nov 20 2019
Version: 1.0.4
Hello, I've just bought Tapntempo metronome (10.0.3) on AppStore and it doesn't work on OS 10.15 Do you have a compatible version ? Thanks, best regards, Christophe
Oct 23 2014
Oct 23 2014
Version: null