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My Recent File for Mac

Access your recently used and modified files on your desktop.

In English
Version 1.0

My Recent File overview

My Recent File keeps track of all the files you've saved or modified on your computer desktop and gives you super easy access to them through the menu bar.

As a result, you spend less time on routine searching operations and appear much more productive and effective.

Use it easily
The tool is started when you log in, runs in your menu bar, and can be used whenever you need it.

Save Time
With this small and handy tool, you will stop wasting time searching for the files that you have saved or modified on the desktop. Now you can find the file you need easily.

Increase Productivity
Don't worry about where recent files are saved and how to locate them. They're just at your fingerprints and can be easily located from your menu bar.

My Recent File for Mac

In English
Version 1.0
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