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HomeBusinessSensus BPM Modeler

Sensus BPM Modeler for Mac

Structure, manage, control, and share processes on your intranet.

In English
Version 5.2.26
Based on 1 user rate

Sensus BPM Modeler overview

Sensus BPM Modeler provides accurately modeled processes which show who does what, how long it takes, and at what costs. The key to running a successful business. How do you motivate your staff to describe their role in the process -- even when that is not part of their day-to-day duties? That’s where Sensus BPM software comes in. Sensus business process management software uses a visual language that anyone can read. An approach based on people, not on technology. This in turn enables people to share knowledge across their organisation and with other organisations, and to learn from each other.

Sensus BPM Modeler is available for €56 per month.

What’s new in version 5.2.26

Version 5.2.26: Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.

Sensus BPM Modeler for Mac

In English
Version 5.2.26
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Jun 16 2014
Jun 16 2014
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