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NetXMS Console for Mac

Open source network management and monitoring system.

In English
Version 3.3.320
Based on 1 user rate

NetXMS Console overview

NetXMS provides performance and availability monitoring with flexible event processing, alerting, reporting and graphing for all layers of IT infrastructure.


Operating on extra-large networks with thousands of servers.

Highly customisable

Can easily be integrated with various third-party products.


Full support for Windows and most UNIX systems.


Industry standard encryption and flexible access control.

What’s new in version 3.3.320

Version 3.3.320:
  • Automatic agent certificate renewal
  • Option for blacklisting network device drivers
  • New instance discovery method "Windows Performance Counters"
  • Improved database schema for TimescaleDB
  • Pattern matching for command output in SSH.Command parameter
  • NXSL functionality improvements
  • Multiple bugfixes

NetXMS Console for Mac

In English
Version 3.3.320
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(1 Reviews of NetXMS Console)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

May 1 2020
May 1 2020
Version: 1.2.13
Not working at all with 10.13 and I even tried the latest version from their webpage. This is sadly another Java crap and not a native macOS application. It is impossible to enter any data in the startup device dialog as neither the mouse nor the keyboard is recognized. Can't click on any edit field not enter any text/ip into any of those fields. Thus it is absolutely useless and don't even start correct. It should also be noted in the listing and their website that this is Java based as I would never have installed it in the first place if that was obvious.
May 1 2020
May 1 2020
Version: null