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HomeProductivityArtPig Studio

ArtPig Studio for Mac

Create interactive app-books without help of a programmer.

In English
Version 2.3.1

ArtPig Studio overview

With ArtPig Studio designers can create fantastic and complete interactive app-books without help of a programmer. ArtPig Studio will make your imaginary contents come true in the mobile world. In the past, image in illustration was done by a designer, and programming was required to add interactive actions. However, with ArtPig Studio, the designer can finish the rest of processes without programming skills.


  • Intuitive operation with drag and drop and timeline based animation
  • Visual management of many animations
  • Grouping by symbols
  • Curve line move path
  • Particle effects
  • Page Turning function
  • Touch interaction and drag interaction
  • Editing sounds inside the timeline
  • Simulator with which animation can be checked directly

What’s new in version 2.3.1

Version 2.3.1:
  • Fixed using term expired error

ArtPig Studio for Mac

In English
Version 2.3.1
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