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PhotoPrintPilot for Mac

Specially designed for photograph printing at home.

In English
Version 2.18.2

PhotoPrintPilot overview

PhotoPrintPilot is photo printing software specially designed for photograph printing at home. PhotoPrintPilot allows you to take images for printing from different folders. To print photos in a desired format you should just choose a template with a size of the images for printing and a way they will be arranged on a page. Also you can adjust photo composition before printing and to print only the selected area of the image. The program supports the following graphic formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF. We believe that PhotoPrintPilot will be a simple and handy solution for those people who print a lot of graphics. It allows you to print a number of different images on the same page without having to keep feeding the page back into the printer for each one. Limitations of the demo version: additional notification appears on each printed photo; the trial version allows you to print out only the first page of the project.

What’s new in version 2.18.2

Version 2.18.2:
  • The ability to select multiple images on the layout to work with them
  • The "Recent…" item to the menu

PhotoPrintPilot for Mac

In English
Version 2.18.2
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(1 Reviews of PhotoPrintPilot)

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Oct 17 2018
Oct 17 2018
Version: 2.10.0
Seems like a waste on 30 bucks.
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