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MarkDrop for Mac

Markdown editor built with sharing in mind.

In English
Version 1.1

MarkDrop overview

MarkDrop is a gorgeous, powerful Markdown editor built with sharing in mind. Every MarkDrop document has a secure URL that is viewable in any browser. Markdown is a simple syntax built for writers who want to compose in an easy-to-write, easy-to-read format that can be converted to HTML. But the missing component up until now has been quickly uploading that HTML to a URL that can be easily shared with others. MarkDrop solves that problem by assigning all documents a secure URL that can be shared with anyone anywhere. Want to make edits? No problem. MarkDrop automatically uploads any changes you make so your readers are never out of sync. Don’t need sharing? MarkDrop is one of the best MarkDown editors available, in the cloud or on the ground.


  • Realtime editing preview
  • Multiple themes (Github previewing included)
  • Plain text composition with unobtrusive syntax highlighting
  • Fullscreen support
  • Export to PDF
  • Copy HTML to clipboard
  • Lovely high-resolution document printing
  • Import any Droplr note just by pasting in a URL

What’s new in version 1.1

Version 1.1:

Note: The downloadable file is a demo. If you like the application, you may purchase it via App Store

  • Adds dark scheme to editor
  • Adds font size control for editor
  • Adds layout control for editor
  • Adds font options for editor
  • Improves URL copying
  • Fixes blurry icons on some screens
  • Improves sidebar animation
  • Improves behavior when editing a local file

MarkDrop for Mac

In English
Version 1.1
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