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Exedore for Mac

Mac-native Python IDE (beta).

In English
Version 0.8.4
Based on 1 user rate

Exedore overview

Exedore is a thoroughly Mac-native Python IDE written entirely in Cocoa/Objective-C.

  • A full-featured Python text editor with syntax highlighting, code auto-completion with fuzzy matching, and tabs for writing your scripts.
  • An integrated Python debugger with graphical breakpoints and a console for stepping through and debugging scripts.
  • Project-wide search and replace using regular expressions.
  • An integrated documentation browser.

As a Mac developer learning Python, Exedore is the single-window, graphical Python debugger with Mac-native text editing, auto-completion and tab triggers that I've always wished I had. Exedore is heavily inspired by Xcode.

What’s new in version 0.8.4

Version 0.8.4:
  • FIX: Improved code auto completion.
  • NEW: New application icon.

Exedore for Mac

In English
Version 0.8.4
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(2 Reviews of Exedore)

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  • User Ratings

Dec 11 2013
Dec 11 2013
Version: 0.3.3
Nanu Nanu! Oh wait, that was Exidor. Stop chewing on my robes Pepe! Welcome to The Friends of Venus.
Dec 9 2013
Dec 9 2013
Version: 0.3.2
This 0.3.2 version of this Python IDE looks like a good start, but for one thing. The everything-in-one-window is a horrible interface concept. It forces extremely inefficient use of precious screen real estate, especially for laptops. Even if you use a large monitor, you can still see only one source file at a time. And the console, being placed at the bottom of the window, kills extra-precious vertical distance. I don't know why this one-window concept is kind of a fad now, but maybe it's an unfortunate influence of iPad programs. Whatever the case, I would never use such a program no matter how slick it is or what other features it has. There are alternatives that do not hinder the interface this way. One of the advantages that Macintoshes have had for a very long time is way they let windows overlap one another, even windows from different programs. (I can't believe I just had to explain that.) This one-window approach is like freaking Windows 1.0 all over again.
Dec 29 2013
Dec 29 2013
Version: null