Clipboard Pimper overview
Clipboard Pimper gives you full control over your clipboard. See what text is in it, modify the text, delete it, replace it, hear it spoken aloud, even save it to a .txt document on your computer!
What’s new in version 2.0M
Version 2.0M:
- Program completely redesigned with new graphics and text
- Shrink window feature added
- Select all text feature added
- Open .txt document feature added
- Save .txt document feature added
- Character information feature added
- Transparency settings added
- Center window feature added
- About dialog removed (replaced with About screen)
- Save clipboard to .txt document feature added
- 1 new text size added (for a total of 2)
- Donate button added
- Facebook "like" button added
- Catzware Update feature redesigned
- Code cleaned up
- Performance improved
- Various bugs fixed
- Other minor changes