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interviewScribe for Mac

Powerful dictation tool.

In English
Version 4.1

interviewScribe overview

interviewScribe is the tool for speech dictation.

  • Management by the phrase - Phrase is the pieces of the audio data. interviewScribe is managed audio by the phrase. By dividing the phrase, You can transcribe to each do a short phrase. With interviewScribe, you can proceed transcribe work smoothly.
  • Specific features for Transcribe - interviewScribe has features that are specific to the transcribe work: Automatically dividing the phrase, Can set free playback position, Can adjust playback speed, and adjust the playback quality.
  • Cooperation with OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion’s "Dictation" - In addition, you can also take advantage of the features of OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion's "Dictation". Characteristic of this function is to make the phrase playback along with the "Dictation". You can convert a phrase audio into a text by this feature. Can be converted to text with surprising ease if a good source, such as those delivered by Podcast News.
  • Output of the result - Every phrase's text, is possible to join with headers that shows start,end time and talker. joined text can export by .txt file.

What’s new in version 4.1

Version 4.1:

Note: Now requires OS X 11.0 or later

  • Compatible with mac OS X Big Sur.
  • Improved speech recognition processing and added continuous speech recognition.
  • Minor bug fixes.

interviewScribe for Mac

In English
Version 4.1
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