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Splash Colors FX for Mac

Convert photos to black-and-white with selective color retention.

In English
Version 2.0

Splash Colors FX overview

Splash Colors FX turns your photos into black & white and helps to highlight certain objects by revealing their original colors. It includes a powerful brush and ready-to-use photo effects that will allow you to create breathtaking photos. You can share your finished photos on Facebook, Twitter and Flickr or add them to iPhoto and send them via Mail or Messages.

Enhance photos with brush and effects

  • Reveal original colors of your photos using the brush.
  • Adjust opacity and blur of the brush strokes for more interesting results.
  • Choose and adjust effects to give your photos even more vibrant look.
Incredible accuracy and flexibility
  • Zoom in or out to paint certain objects precisely.
  • Increase or decrease the brush size for extra accuracy around the edges.
  • Invert colors to turn colored areas into black & white and vice versa.
Compatibility and sharing
  • Drag and drop a wide range of image formats including JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF and PSD.
  • Share your work to the most popular social networks.
  • Print or save edited photos in JPG, PNG, TIFF and BMP formats.
Works with Apple applications
  • Drag and drop photos from iPhoto and Aperture straight to the app.
  • Add edited photos to iPhoto with a single click.
  • Send photos to your friends via Mail or Messages.

What’s new in version 2.0

Version 2.0:
  • Now requires OS X 10.8 or later
  • Fixed issue with saving colors on OS X 10.9 Mavericks and 10.10 Yosemite

Splash Colors FX for Mac

In English
Version 2.0
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