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GitClony for Mac

Clone git repositories from a remote server.

In English
Version 1.2

GitClony overview

GitClony is a fast and easy way to clone a Git repository from a remote server (like github.com)

Just copy a Git-Url to the clipboard and press the clone Button. GitClony also can be configured to start cloning automatically when it detects a Git-Url.


  • automatically detects Git-Urls from the clipboard (with sound-notification)
  • can be configured to start cloning automatically if a Git-Url was detected
  • plays a sound-notification if cloning is finished
  • automatically opens Finder and the destination directory if cloning is complete
  • choose a destination directory where all future Git repositories will be copied (needs to be done only once)
Please notice:
  • GitClony requires Git to be installed
  • in this version "GitClony" performs a "git clone" (if needed - a further version will support customizing the command)

What’s new in version 1.2

Version 1.2:
  • Some bugs fixed
  • Recurse submoduls removed

GitClony for Mac

In English
Version 1.2
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