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HomeGraphic DesignAnimationShade 3D for Unity

Shade 3D for Unity for Mac

Powerful modeling and animation tool for 3D game developers.

In English
Version 13.2.7

Shade 3D for Unity overview

Shade 3D for Unity is a powerful modeling and animation tool for 3D game developers.


  • FBX mesh & rig support with inverse kinematics
  • Paintable bone weight-mapping tool
  • Advanced 3D polygon mesh editing
  • Bezier spline modeling
  • Simple spring motion simulator, including baked simulator
  • Keyframe animation, including baked keyframe
  • Material and shader editing
  • UV editor and texture-map management
  • Draft raytrace rendering for preview rendering
  • Shade loader Unity script to allow easy model exchange between Shade and Unity 3D
Native SHD files are 100% compatible with Shade 13 or higher.

What’s new in version 13.2.7

Version 13.2.7:
  • Now compatible with OS X 10.9.

Shade 3D for Unity for Mac

In English
Version 13.2.7
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