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Conference4me for Mac

Facilitates participation in the conferences and exhibitions.

In English
Version 1.11

Conference4me overview

Conference4me is an application that facilitates participation in the conferences and exhibitions for the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center. It is offered free to conference attendees.


Conference support:

  • Access to up to date agenda
  • Easy access to conference's key information (venue, accommodation, etc.)
  • Built in conference's venue maps, plans
  • Offline functionality. Application does not require active internet connection for browsing conference related information.
  • Conference content (sessions, events, abstracts, links to presentations, etc.)
  • Conference news (delivered via Twitter)
Exhibition support:
  • Description of exhibition, stands, and exhibitors. Provides attendees with contacts, and links to exhibitors' promotional materials.
  • Allows to search for a particular stand
  • Built-in matrix code scanner for fast access to information using the exhibitor/stand code
  • Easy bookmarking stands/exhibitors
  • Bookmarking can be done by scanning matrix codes
  • Advertisement
Conference4me can be easily adapted to virtually any conference.

If you want to add your own conference contact us via e-mail: apple-dev@man.poznan.pl

List of conferences supported by Conference4me can be found at following location:

What’s new in version 1.11

Version 1.11:
  • Bug fixing: Fixed issue with missing conference tweets from the Twitter

Conference4me for Mac

In English
Version 1.11
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