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Tile Photos FX for Mac

Slice images for any purpose.

In English
Version 4.0

Tile Photos FX overview

Tile Photos FX is an outstanding application for dividing images into smaller equal pieces. Slices are commonly used for Web page objects like icons, menu elements, or logos, as several small pieces of a large picture load faster than the whole image. Furthermore, slices can be used in Keynote presentations, Pages documents, Numbers spreadsheets, and other projects.

Additional feature built into Tile Photos FX is printing pictures with dotted lines. Dotted lines divide an image into slices and provide a great help for cutting images by hand. This can supply some fantastic material for photo collages and other graphic work on paper or canvas. Separate slices can also be printed and this is particularly useful for printing huge posters, charts, maps or plans in the original size.

Image slicing is possible in rectangular, triangular, diamond and brick-layout shapes. For your convenience, the app supports full screen mode and gives you the chance to view and slice images in a comfortable way.

  • Slice images into rectangular, triangular, diamond and brick layout shapes.
  • Save slices in popular image formats: PNG, TIFF, JPEG.
  • Print sliced images with dotted lines straight from the app.
  • View and slice pictures in a Full Screen mode.
  • Make up to 410 slices from one picture.
  • Save slices in numerical order for the quick search of a particular slice.

What’s new in version 4.0

  • Puzzle slicing function added.
  • User interface and design improvements.

Tile Photos FX for Mac

In English
Version 4.0
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