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Music Keys for Mac

Recognize keys on piano keyboard related to tone names.

In English
Version 2.0.1

Music Keys overview

Music Keys is focused on recognizing keys on piano keyboard related to tone names. It will teach you where you can locate for example tone C on a piano keyboard. We use colors to let children and people freely explore music realm. No matter how old you are, this music game is designed to help you to be completely fluent in reading music tones on a piano keyboard. All our simple music games are designed and created because of our children told us they need them. Hopefully it will also help you and your children.

Train Mode
You hear and see a tone and your task is to locate this tone on a piano keyboard. If you do not know what kind of tone it is wait a moment and the appropriate key will start to blink in a color that corresponds to your tone.

Play Mode
Play Mode is in every our application a challenge. So you have 60 seconds for recognizing as many tones as possible. World Record is real challenge so we invite you to give your best try and measure your tone/keyboard reading skills with the World Record.

What’s new in version 2.0.1

Version 2.0.1:
  • Bug fixes

Music Keys for Mac

In English
Version 2.0.1
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