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Fill The Gap for Mac

Fill-in-the-blank word game for children.

In English
Version 1.1

Fill The Gap overview

Fill the Gap, from Magmentis, is used by several hundred thousands of children in schools all over the world (and by more than the 30% of primary schools just in the UK) to improve pupils' literacy and spelling skills.

This new version of Fill the Gap features:

  • 8 exercises and 3 levels of complexity, to adapt to all learners' needs
  • More than 150 words to work with
  • New graphics and animations - learning is easier when enjoyable whilst not detracting from core educational concepts
  • A new interface to give the best user experience on any device
By helping Smudge the Spaniel fill gaps in words, learners will practice how to avoid common mistakes in English spelling whilst also having fun with the new interface, new graphics and animations.

Fill the Gap is specifically designed to accompany your learners throughout their development, with eight different exercises, each one having three levels of complexity, in order to adapt perfectly to their needs at any stage of the learning process.

Developed with active support from educational experts and with a proven track record in schools across the globe, Fill the Gap is suitable for native English speakers and also for children learning English as a foreign language, thanks to the support of text, graphics and sounds that appeal to a global audience of learners.

Please check the Magmentis website for news and updates about Fill the Gap and all of our educational products.

What’s new in version 1.1

Version 1.1:
  • Added printing
  • Added full-screen support
  • Fixed a bug causing Fill The Gap to crash when playing sounds on OS X 10.6

Fill The Gap for Mac

In English
Version 1.1
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