Cookie for Mac
Protect your online privacy.
Cookie prevents third parties from hijacking your browsing experience. The sites you visit store "cookies" in your browser without your knowledge or consent. Some are helpful, but others are frustrating and invasive. Cookie can help.
Nothing's perfect, and sometimes it can be confusing to manage how cookies are handled between different browsers, but that's more the nature of the beast. It doesn't help that macOS gets in the way with its security, but that's not a BAD thing, Cookie does walk you through dealing with it.
Right now, it's very unreliable. Cookie is randomly deleting cookies from favorite websites that it should NEVER be deleting automatically and has long been set to not do so. This behavior just started a few months ago, and to be clear... I've been a paid user of Cookie for perhaps 8-10 years now and more importantly, have touted this app in forums I'm involved in, so I very much understand how to use it.
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