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HomeGraphic DesignIllustrationLunar Eclipse Maestro

Lunar Eclipse Maestro for Mac

Control up to 4 USB or Firewire connected cameras during an eclipse.

In English
Version 1.3.3
Based on 1 user rate

Lunar Eclipse Maestro overview

Lunar Eclipse Maestro controls up to four USB or Firewire connected cameras (Nikon and Canon DSLRs, plus Nikon Coolpix line) and up to four USB or Ethernet connected SBIG CCD cameras with their filter wheels during an eclipse so that you can be free to concentrate on observing the event visually. Actions can be preprogrammed according to a script. Observer position (latitude and longitude coordinates, altitude) is used to calculate local circumstances so that camera actions can be referenced to specific eclipse events. Refraction and deltaT correction supported. Moon-Earth's umbra/penumbra diagram and large event countdown display. Eclipse map with mouse-over geographic cursor coordinates and eclipse type info to indicate where to go. A maximum eclipse diagram at the mouse-over location can also be displayed.

  • Live View (Lv) mode support to allow easier focussing and exposure compensation.
  • Night vision mode to preserve your dark adaptation for totality.
  • Exposure Calculator to find the best exposure for each eclipse event.
  • Support for all Nikon and Canon DSLRs.
  • Support for all SBIG CCD cameras with their filter wheels.
  • Sky chart.
  • PDF exports.
  • etc...

What’s new in version 1.3.3

Version 1.3.3:

Note: This product is not compatible with macOS Catalina and later.

  • USB and/or Firewire port for DSLRs or MILCs (optional)
  • One USB port for Garmin GPS unit, or Bluetooth for serial GPS unit (optional)
  • All Nikon cameras (D70 up to D7500, D500, D850 and D5)
  • Canon 1D Mark III up to 6D Mark II and 200D/SL2/Kiss X9
  • Panasonic GX8, GH4 and GH5
  • Ricoh Theta S and SC
  • All SBIG CCD cameras and filter wheels

Lunar Eclipse Maestro for Mac

In English
Version 1.3.3
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(2 Reviews of Lunar Eclipse Maestro)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Jun 7 2011
Jun 7 2011
Version: 1.1.1
Just in time for this June 15th TLE! Fantastic software that works beautifully with my new Nikon D7000.
Jan 2 2011
Jan 2 2011
Version: 1.0.2
You're timing for release is .. uhmmmm...... yeah.
Jun 7 2011
Jun 7 2011
Version: null