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ActiveTcl for Mac

Complete and ready-to-install Tcl distribution.

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ActiveTcl overview

ActiveTcl is the industry-standard Tcl distribution, available for Mac OS X, Linux, Windows, Solaris, AIX and HP-UX. Developers worldwide rely on ActiveTcl's completeness and ease-of-use, while corporate users protect their infrastructure and stay competitive with quality-assured ActiveTcl business solutions.

ActiveTcl is 100% compatible with the reference distribution of Tcl. Code tested with ActiveTcl will run on any Tcl installation that has the appropriate extensions installed.

ActiveState is committed to making Tcl easy to install and use on all major platforms. This release of ActiveTcl brings you the most stable release of Tcl in binary form. It also includes several of the most popular extensions pre-compiled and ready to use. Beginning with this release, we distribute and install the demos and examples of the various packages.

What’s new in version

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
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ActiveTcl for Mac

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