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ImageConvert for Mac

Batch convert images to various formats.

In English
Version 1.1.6

ImageConvert overview

ImageConvert is an application for converting image file formats of one or more files (i.e., it works in batch mode). Choose the output file format in Preferences.

Converted images have the same name as the original, with the appropriate file extension. If a file by the same name does exist in the destination then the file name will be appended with a unique string. After you drop your image files or folder of image files on the main window or the app icon in the Finder or Dock you will be prompted for the destination of the output, unless you have specified a default destination in Preferences.

Supported import/export file formats are determined by the QuickTime components installed on your Mac.

What’s new in version 1.1.6

Version 1.1.6:
  • Maintenance update

ImageConvert for Mac

In English
Version 1.1.6
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(2 Reviews of ImageConvert)

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  • User Ratings

Nov 6 2014
Nov 6 2014
Version: 1.1.4
AVOID. This developer is useless, as well as their website. I have their "Limit Point Software Utilities Bundle" where you get all of their apps with updates forever. Yeah, good luck. Anyone else having problems? Leave a comment, and maybe I'll start legal action to get them to honor their comments.
Apr 20 2008
Apr 20 2008
Version: 1.0.4
you can get the exact same functionality by using On My Command and this script: sips -s format __DLG_INPUT_TEXT__ __OBJ_PATH__/* --out __OBJ_PATH__
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