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BlogAssist for Mac

Copy text to a menu item with LiveJournal support.

In English
Based on 5 user rates

BlogAssist overview

Note: BlogAssist, though available for download, is no longer for sale.

BlogAssist is a handy tool to help weblog and website editing by making HTML markup easier.

There are three easy ways to use it: you can use whichever one you prefer, or all three as desired.

  • The System Menu: BlogAssist adds a small menu to the right-hand side of the menubar in all applications. You can simply select and copy some text into the clipboard, choose a suitable operation from the menu, then paste the result in the desired location. The text will have been transformed like magic. For example, copying hey and choosing Bold will result in hey - the HTML tags for boldface text, wrapped around the original text.
  • The Services Menu: BlogAssist also appears in the Services menu, available in most applications. This is really easy to use: just select some text and hit Cmd-< to display a small panel. Simply choose an operation and click OK to drop the marked up text back into your document. The previously copied text also appears in the panel; useful for operations like Web Link that use two values. Copy a URL, select text to use as the link label, hit Cmd-< and choose the operation, then click ok, and you have a web link nicely formatted and inserted.
  • The Floating Window: This is similar to the Services menu panel, but can be left open as long as you like. It floats above all other windows, always available. It can be hidden and shown via the BlogAssist system menu. With the floating window displayed, you simply drag text to one or both of its Value fields, choose an operation from the included pop-up menu, then drag the formatted HTML from the Result field. Like the Services panel, this window includes a convenient preview of how the HTML will be rendered in a Web page.

BlogAssist comes with several useful operations, including Web and e-mail links, bold/italics/strikethrough/etc, LiveJournal tags, and more. But you aren't limited to those - you can add, change, or remove them via the Operations Preferences.

What’s new in version 2.4.1

Version 2.4.1:
  • Fixed some issues with the Substitutions preference page.
  • Updated for OS X 10.10 (Yosemite).
View older BlogAssist versions

BlogAssist for Mac

In English
Version 2.4.1
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(4 Reviews of BlogAssist)

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  • User Ratings

Nov 16 2010
Nov 16 2010
Version: 2.2.5
It sets a Menu Icon and _uses up valuable space_ in the menu bar. There is no way to switch the menu Icon off and use the two other input actions instead. This is to much disadvantage over the basic assistance it actually gives. This is a deal-breaker for me; I trashed the software.
Jan 18 2010
Jan 18 2010
Version: 2.2.3
I have been researching blog-writing tools for awhile now and had finally decided on MarsEdit. The one thing I couldn't figure out how to do though is lists, mostly unordered. I stumbled upon BlogAssist and immediately loved it, but couldn't justify spending the money on something to help with "just lists." Well, it went on sale over at MacZOT and I instantly snatched it up. I'm so glad I did, as it does do so much more than lists and it has really helped me learn and understand the basics of HTML. Plus, I love its menubar presence, super easy to use and very effective. I would highly recommend this and it works extremely well in conjunction with MarsEdit.
Sep 25 2009
Sep 25 2009
Version: 2.2.3
This is one of the most useful apps I've ever bought. I got it to solve a small problem while blogging that MarsEdit was lacking: I wanted to make unordered lists from sets of paragraphs. If that's all it did, it would be well worth the price for me. And for a long time, that's all I used it for. Then I needed to do a few things in my HTML editor and realized that I could probably get BlogAssist to do it for me. That got me looking at more that I could do with it, and now I use it all the time for those pesky HTML operations. Sure, I could probably figure out some AppleScript thing to do all of this. But I'm lazy ("the developer's friend in customers") and just want to work rather than make software tools. BlogAssist is an outstanding value. The only drawback to BlogAssist is really a drawback in other applications: not everything supports the service menu. I use the copy-BlogAssist Menu-paste triplet which solves that problem for most operations. (I actually liked the fact that it was autoloaded at startup. Otherwise I'd not remember it was there.)
Nov 11 2005
Nov 11 2005
Version: 1.1.2
Tag service menu, textpander snippets are to use with keyboard short cuts. If you are more a "mouse" than persone this is very usefull for tags you use very offten. I added technorati, google... link tags. The only thing I don't link is that it automaticly launches at start up, I would prefer to have it as an app I launch myself, as I don't use it all the time..
Apr 10 2015
Apr 10 2015
Version: null
Nov 16 2010
Nov 16 2010
Version: null
Jan 18 2010
Jan 18 2010
Version: null
Sep 25 2009
Sep 25 2009
Version: null
Nov 11 2005
Nov 11 2005
Version: null