This guy is doing a tremendously beautiful little gem. And it's, surprisingly, FREE!!
I'm using Pro Tools LE 6.x and I've missed a descent plugin for altering pitch via envelopes. Okay, this IS NOT a plugin for Pro Tools, but I'm eager to compare similar softwares for one of the most merited systems, Pro Tools. If you were to buy a plugin for Pro Tools, for example VariSpeed, you would end up with having a really poor pitch-altering facility that's gonna cost you lots of unnessecary money. VariSpeed's function is also limited to only 2 functions; either ramping up the pitch or ramping down, both ways following a straight line. No curves or anything.
TimeToy lets you put keyframes to ramp up/down anyway you like. And more functions are surely on its way.
Also, I'd like to mention that the developer is a really nice chap. I mailed him some suggestions and got a fast reply, stated in a MOST friendly manner. That's humanity in its right!
Thanks and Congrats to You, Dear Developer, for supplying us sound designers, musicians and others with a Great app! And if you decide to charge for it, I WILL gladly buy it ;-) You're worth it.