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HomeEducationScienceCoLocalizer Pro

CoLocalizer Pro for Mac

Scientific calculator of colocalization coefficients.

In English
Version 7.0.2
Based on 1 user rate

CoLocalizer Pro overview

CoLocalizer Pro is an advanced software for quantitative colocalization analysis in fluorescence microscopy images, enhanced by Machine Learning. It combines unique background correction tools with established algorithms to visualize and examine colocalization quantitatively. The software is utilized by leading scientific laboratories around the world.

  • Provides statistical proof of colocalization observations by calculating specialized coefficients.
  • Utilizes Machine Learning to enhance image resolution and reduce background noise, ensuring the reliability of the analysis.
  • Can open images in proprietary file formats, including LSM, OME.TIFF, and various TIFF formats.
  • Capable of analyzing image stacks and accessing images via iCloud, allowing for seamless transfer between Macs and iPads using Handoff.
  • Connects to USB-enabled microscopes and imports images directly into CoLocalizer Pro for analysis.
  • Calculation results can be exported in multiple file formats, such as Excel, PDF, and HTML.
  • Users can view images at different magnifications and angles, merge single-channel images, and split merged images.
  • Allows for saving different versions of analyzed images and reverting to the original versions if needed..
  • Exports results as colocalization reports, conveniently storing all coefficients and image data in one location.

What’s new in version 7.0.2

  • The redesigned architecture of the ML Super Resolution model significantly decreased the use of system memory: now requires 7.5 times less RAM

CoLocalizer Pro for Mac

In English
Version 7.0.2
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(4 Reviews of CoLocalizer Pro)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Dec 21 2010
Dec 21 2010
Version: 2.6
As a long time user, I can tell you nothing is as powerful as this app for colocalization analysis on the Mac. I have used it for a number publications and it has never failed - not once. Worth buying a Mac for if you don't already own one!
Apr 3 2009
Apr 3 2009
Version: 2.5
This software is remarkably well designed and user friendly! Website contains lots of useful information. A feature request: we would like to be able to remember the areas selected on one image for background adjustments to be re-used on another images. Is this possible?
Apr 3 2009
Apr 3 2009
Version: 2.5
This software is remarkably well designed and user friendly! Website contains lots of useful information. A feature request: we would like to be able to remember the areas selected on one image for background adjustments to be re-used on another images. Is this possible?
Nov 28 2008
Nov 28 2008
Version: 2.0
There are 3 scientific gems for Mac: Colocalizer Pro, Papers, and Macnification (in chronological order of their releases). All work and look great, use clever metaphors for icons, and created by the people who seem to know exactly what they are doing. Colocalizer Pro is designed for more a specialized type of image analysis, like quantification of colocalization, while Papers and Macnification are for more generally-oriented. I purchased Colocalizer license last year and already published a paper with its help! Thanks to support documentation, the learning time is short. Export results in Excel format is hard to beat too. I can highly recommend this application!
Dec 21 2010
Dec 21 2010
Version: null