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TouchCAD for Mac

Create complex 3D shapes.

In English
Version 3.6.3

TouchCAD overview

TouchCAD is a combined 3D modeling and unfolding program focusing on the ability to generate complex 3D shapes and converting them into physically buildable models.

It can be used for a wide range of tasks such as marine/yacht design, production of soft material based objects such as tents, blimps, inflatable objects, reversed engineering where copies of existing objects are being recreated, sheet metal objects, industrial and architectural design, sculptures, etc. TouchCAD also allows super-high-resolution image mapping onto complex and unfolding into ready-to-print image files.

What’s new in version 3.6.3

Version 3.6.3:
  • Improved creation of physical 3D images
  • Extensive update with support for shaded 3D model editing
  • 3D dimensions and texts
  • Improved database handling
  • Extensively updated contextual menus
  • Improved export and import features
  • Well over three hours of new tutorial movies
  • Support for IGES import

TouchCAD for Mac

In English
Version 3.6.3
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