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ATutor for Mac

Web-based instructional content distribution (release candidate).

In English
Based on 2 user rates

ATutor overview

ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind. Administrators can install or update ATutor in minutes, and develop custom templates to give ATutor a new look. Educators can quickly assemble, package, and redistribute Web-based instructional content, easily retrieve and import prepackaged content, and conduct their courses online. Students learn in an adaptive learning environment.

ATutor is the first fully inclusive LCMS, complying with the W3C WCAG 1.0 accessibility specifications at the AA+ level, allowing access to all potential learners, instructors, and administrators, including those with disabilities who may be accessing the system using assistive technologies. Conformance with W3C XHTML 1.0 specifications ensures that ATutor is presented consistently in any standards compliant technology.

What’s new in version 2.2.4

Version 2.2.4:
  • Customizable course gamification, with points, levels, badges, and a leader board. Add an element of competition, rewards for accomplishments, tailor messages and notifications to fit the goals of the course. Add just one game element or add them all. Customize events for their “value” in the course, and assign rewards that encourage particular behaviours. Badges, levels, and events can be customized at the system and course levels. Administrators can create new events to expand on the collection provided
  • New users quickly become skilled ATutor users by following the Instructor or Administrator HelpMe Guide. The guide walks a new user through key features. It can be repeated as often as needed, or dismissed. Administrators can customise and create new messaging for the guide
Other Notable Updates
  • Compatibility Updates: Updated for compatibility with Mysql 5.7 and php 7.2 systems
  • AChecker System Preference: ATutor sites now need to obtain a free key from achecker.ca, and add it in the system preferences to provide accessibility checking when creating ATutor content. The key is found on your achecker.ca Profile page as the “Web Service ID”
  • Disconnecting from atutor.ca: At the end of July, or there abouts, atutor.ca and atutorspaces.com will be decommissioned. Features served from atutor.ca like the patcher, translation, modules, and themes, will no longer have direct access from within ATutor. ATutor will continue on from atutor.github.io, where you can download modules, themes, and languages, then upload them into ATutor
  • ATutor Languages on Github: ATutor translations are now available through github, and can be directly imported from within ATutor. Create or update a translation with a Github pull request
View older ATutor versions

ATutor for Mac

In English
Version 2.2.4
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(2 Reviews of ATutor)

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  • User Ratings

Jul 8 2006
Jul 8 2006
Version: 1.5.3
"Do not use Apache 2.x"? You're kidding, right? How hard can it be to simply document what has to be twiddled to make this work under the current, modern version of Apache, which is almost certainly going to be what will ship with MacOS X 10.5, and already what most serious Mac-based webmasters are using (either via Fink, DarwinPorts or a manual install). Anyway, this seems like a great project and a whole lot of work, to support only a dying server. Might as well have made this a MacOS 9 only app. ;-)
Mar 5 2006
Mar 5 2006
Version: 1.5.1pl1
Problems seem to happen with this version 1.5.1 and the newer version 1.5.2 of replicating Course Content data. 27 Duplicate records are always created. Also when creating content data When Using Mozilla you get A popup saying "No content data found". IE you get a "page not found error" From what I could gather it's an IIS Issue their having with this software, and are unable to fix.... From what I could gather on the net this ONLY Works with Apache Server, So heads up folks on IIS I'm only giving it a low rating because there was no warning about the IIS, I had to spend hours blowing my brains out trying to figure that one out. Other than that it seems like a cool system.
Mar 1 2013
Mar 1 2013
Version: null
Mar 5 2006
Mar 5 2006
Version: null