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Azayaka for Mac

Screen and system audio recorder.

In English
Version 1.3

Azayaka overview

Azayaka is a compact macOS menu bar screen and audio recorder. It allows to record your screen or an app, with its playing audio, regardless of your current audio output device or system volume.

  • Azayaka's settings, video tab selected
  • Record a screen, window, or just system audio
  • Simple, unobtrusive menu bar application
  • Choose between .mp4 or .mov files, H.264 or H.265
  • Audio options ranging from Opus & AAC to lossless ALAC & FLAC

What’s new in version 1.3

  • User interface updates: (1) Window list is sorted by app, with app icons (#14 by @lihaoyun6); (2) New settings panel
  • Localisations added: (1) Simplified Chinese (by @lihaoyun6); (2) Swedish
  • Added setting to only show the focused app's windows (#8 by @wti)
  • Customisable global keyboard shortcuts for starting/stopping audio, current screen, or focused window recordings
  • Output file names can now be changed
  • Permission prompt is friendlier and less annoying
  • New app icon
  • New menu icon (#14 by @lihaoyun6)
  • Added update checking
  • Added option to launch at login (#14 by @lihaoyun6)
  • Added notifications when completing a recording, if granted permission (#14 by @lihaoyun6)
  • Displays show their proper, localised name when available, with a mouse cursor to denote the current one (#14 by @lihaoyun6)
  • Resolved an issue where the list of displays would not update when a display was added/removed (#15)

Azayaka for Mac

In English
Version 1.3
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